
Excellent in creating talents to accomplishing dreams


Our physical space at Pilot Ashraf Mabodi Nursery School is safe, flexible, child-oriented and accommodates the changing developmental needs and interests of the earliest learners. explore, and play with in their own way at their own pace. With nurturing and responsive caregivers as a home base, infants and toddlers are free to move about, explore materials, exercise creativity, and solve problems.

IT Lab

Getting our young ones comfortable with technology tools is a crucial part of the curriculum. teachers conduct weekly classes in our IT room fully equipped with class computers where children are taken through learning exercises to enhance their visual and auditory functions. Each child has access to their own computer and is guided by teachers and support staff through carefully planned activities.


We have designed our school library to cater to all of the interesting and exciting topics children like to explore. Whether it be books about plants and animals or fairy tale stories, our carefully selected shelves have all of the interesting finds to capture the attention of our young ones.


Pilot Ashraf Mabodi Nursery School Has a wide range of outdoor play spaces that each cater to different physical developmental abilities and motor skills. Our large activity towers, grounded in soft sand, encourage children to climb and cross bridges in a safe environment. The play area also includes swings and trampolines for children to enjoy their time out. Our support staff are trained in safety and ensure children are always attended to whilst using any of the facilities across campus.